It will be my 9 mos lungaversary on July 10. Everything is measured in time, 3 days until Friday, 2 wks until vacation, 1 mos until a birthday. Time consumes us- how many times have you said " if only there were more hours in a day?" Time - it will get away from you, and what I have learned the past several mos is to appreciate every minute.
My post op course was very difficult and just thinking about it now makes me teary eyed. I'm so grateful to be home and have family and friends near. Being able to do housework- grateful ! Being able to sleep in my own bed- grateful ! Being able to drive - grateful ! Taking a shower- grateful! Going to work- grateful ! Being able to make my own food- grateful!
Learn to be content with what you are able to do and what you have, don't sweat the small stuff, love hard, play hard, laugh harder. Look around you and be grateful, because as cliche as it sounds it could be gone in a moments notice.
Believe !
I'm so grateful I had a good report from my Wisconsin check up this past Monday, it's nerve wracking for me every time. Having the scope down my airway looking at my lungs is especially anxiety inducing - the doc said my lungs looked "pristine"--GRATEFUL! Returning home to Michigan in downpours and traffic back ups- grateful!
Thank you for all the support and prayers. I couldn't do it without you- each of you. My heart is grateful! I am grateful!